
Garden Update!

A friend of mine was giving away some zucchini from her garden and I got one.  and I have never seen zucchini this big!  I heard they exist, but I never had seen one.  so I put it next to my Laptop so you could see how big it really is.  It made me so excited to get some stuff from my little garden outside and I had to do an update for you all.
So here it is!  Here are the tomatoes and squash and the Square foot garden.  The close up is of the green onions and the carrots!  I am so excited that my garden is getting so much bigger.
As you can see they are growing nicely.  Although I do wish I would get more fruit to grow!!!!  They are starting to grow.  My zucchini plant has blossomed with some really beautiful orange flowers.  Here are some close ups of my fruit I have so far.  Here is a tomato, pepper, hot pepper, and green bean.
I am seriously having so much fun with this  I never knew how exciting it was to grow these things and to see them bloom and then to have them to eat is the coolest thing ever!  Just to know that I did the work and that I am saving my family money and giving them the best they can have.  It s just so rewarding!
How are you doing with your garden???  Leave a link to your blog if you have one!  I love to see other people gardens and their creations!!!!  

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